Kulturna ambasada Palestine 2022/Cultural Embassy of Palestine 2022

Kulturna ambasada Palestine 2022


Vljudno vabljeni na enajsto Kulturno ambasado Palestine, ki se letos osredotoča na palestinske fotografe in fotografinje, ter vprašanju fotografije kot mediju (s) poročanja o družbeno-političnem in kulturnem dogajanju. Čeprav nas podobe Palestine pogosto obkrožajo, malo vemo o palestinskih fotografih in fotografinjah, ki so te podobe (so)ustvarjali in jih (so)ustvarjajo še danes.

Kulturna ambasada Palestine se bo letos odvila v sodelovanju z Galerijo Janez Boljka, s Pritličjem, z inštitutom Divja misel Vodnikova domačija in s Slovensko kinoteko.

Kulturna ambasada Palestine je dogodek, ki poteka vsako leto od leta 2012. Namen dogodka je odpreti prostor za palestinsko zgodbo, spodbuditi razmišljanje in širiti razumevanje o dogajanju v Palestini skozi palestinsko kulturo, literaturo, glasbo, kulinariko, zgodovino in ne nazadnje, skozi palestinski glas.

Ponedeljek, 19. 9. 2022 ob 18. uri:
Galerija Janez Boljka, Gornji trg 16, Ljubljana
Otvoritev Kulturne ambasade Palestine s fotografsko razstavo
Podobe Palestine: palestinski fotografi od 1920 do danes
Razstava je poklon bogati palestinski fotografski produkciji, ki je redkokdaj prikazana in zato tudi malo poznana. Gost bo direktor fotografije Ashraf Dowani.
Sledila bo manjša pogostitev

Torek, 20.9.2022 ob 19.30. uri:
Vodnikova domačija, Vodnikova cesta 65, Ljubljana

Dogodek je uvrščen tudi med dogodke Palestina v besedah
Palestinski fotografski arhivi v Izraelu
Predvajanje dokumentarnega filma Looted and Hidden – Palestinian Archives in Israel, 46’, 2017. Ogled dokumentarnega filma, ki ga je režirala vizualna zgodovinarka
Rona Sela in ki predstavi dolgoletno raziskavo o palestinskih arhivih, ki jih je Izrael zaplenil v 20. stoletju. Pred filmom bo potekal pogovor med Nado
Pretnar iz Gibanja za pravice Palestincev (v živo) in palestinsko fotografinjo Fatimo Abbadi. Pogovarjali se bosta o pomenu arhivov in ohranjanju zgodb. Dogodek bo potekal v angleškem jeziku.

Sreda, 21.9.2022 ob 19. uri:
Pritličje, Mestni trg 2, Ljubljana

Biti fotografinja danes. Biti fotograf v Palestini
Pogovor o fotografiji kot mediju sporočanja, umetnosti, pripovedovanja zgodb, dokumentiranja in pričevanja o kršitvah. Gostili bomo palestinsko fotografinjo Fatimo Abbadi, ki se ukvarja z ulično fotografijo, predvsem pa uporablja fotografijo kot medij dokumentiranja palestinske tradicije vezenja in umetnosti vezenin. Z nami bo nagrajeni slovenski fotograf Jošt Franko, ki je z novinarsko fotografijo deloma začel prav v Palestini, v Gazi, v zadnjem času pa se posveča predvsem vizualnim avtorskim pripovedim o ljudeh, ki so bili prisiljeni v iskanje novega doma na Balkanu ali pa jih
tu prek vodi pot. Iz Gaze, ki je že več kot poldrugo desetletje pod nezakonito izraelsko blokado, se bo pogovoru prek interneta pridružil fotograf Atia Darweesh, iz okupiranega Zahodnega brega pa Basil Al Adraa, palestinski novinar, aktivist in fotograf za organizacijo za človekove pravice B’Tselem.
Pogovor bo v angleščini povezovala novinarka Kristina Božič.

Četrtek, 22.9.2022 ob 20. uri:
Slovenska kinoteka, Miklošičeva ulica 28, Ljubljana

Predvajanje celovečernega filma 200 Meters ( 200)
Palestina, Jordanija, Qatar, Italija, Švedska, 2020, 96’, režiserja Ameena Nayfeha z angleškimi podnapisi. Film želi prikazati kako že več kot 55 letna izraelska vojaška prisotnost na zasedenem palestinskem ozemlju privede do absurdnih in paradoksalnih situacij, ki popolnoma porušijo kakršnokoli možnost normalnega življenja. Filmu bo sledil pogovor s palestinskim direktorjem fotografije Ashrafom Dowanijem, ki je sodeloval pri nastanku predvajanega filma. Z gostom iz Hajfe se bosta pogovarjala Igor Prassel iz Slovenske Kinoteke in Nada Pretnar iz Gibanja za pravice Palestincev. Pogovor bo potekal v angleščini.




Join us in the events of the eleventh edition of the Cultural Embassy of Palestine. This year’s focus is on Palestinian photographers and photography as a medium to report on socio-political and cultural issues. Although we are often surrounded by images from Palestine we know little about the Palestinian photographers who authored them.

This year’s edition of the Cultural Embassy of Palestine will be held in collaboration with the Janez Boljka Gallery, Pritličje, the institute Divja misel Vodnikova domačija and the Slovene Cinematheque.

The Cultural Embassy of Palestine is an annual event intended to give voice to the Palestinian story, encourage a reflection, and advance the understanding of the ongoing events in Palestine through its culture, history, food, music and, ultimately, the Palestinian voice.

Monday, September 19 at 6:00 pm
Janez Boljka Gallery, Gornji trg 16, Ljubljana

Opening of the Cultural Embassy of Palestine
Images from Palestine: Palestinian Photographers from 1920 to the Present
The photographic exhibition is a tribute to the little known and therefore rarely showcased rich Palestinian photographic production. We will be joined by the director of photography, Ashraf Dowani.
Light refreshment.

Tuesday, September 20 at 7:30 pm
Vodnikova Domačija, Vodnikova cesta 65, Ljubljana

The event is also part of the Palestine in the Written Word series of events
Palestinian Photographic Archives in Israel
Screening of the documentary Looted and Hidden – Palestinian Archives in Israel, 46’, 2017. The documentary, directed by the visual historian Rona Sela, is the result of a lengthy research into Palestinian archives looted or seized by Israel during the 20th century. The screening will be preceded by a conversation between Nada Pretnar from the Campaign for the Rights of the Palestinian People (in situ) and the Palestinian photographer Fatima Abbadi (online). Together they will discuss the significance of photographic archives in preserving historical memory. The event will be held in English.

Wednesday, September 21 at 7:00 pm
Pritličje, Mestni trg 2, Ljubljana

To Be a Palestinian Photographer Today
A panel discussion on photography as a means of reporting, of story telling and of documenting and witnessing human rights violations. As part of the events of the eleventh Cultural Embassy of Palestine, we will be hosting in situ the Palestinian photographer Fatima Abbadi who focuses both on street photography as well as on documenting the traditional Palestinian art of embroidery through photographic projects. We will be joined by the renowned Slovene photographer Jošt Franko, who began his photo-journalistic career in Gaza, Palestine and has recently turned to the visual recounting of stories of men and women forced either into seeking a
new home in the Balkans or crossing the Balkan route on their way to a new home. Atia Darweesh will be joining us via Zoom from the Gaza Strip, in its 15th year of Israeli imposed blockade. From the south Hebron Hills we will be joined via Zoom by the photographer, activist and journalist Basil Al Adraa. The discussion, facilitated by the journalist Kristina Božič, will be held in English.

Thursday, September 22 at 8:00 pm
The Slovene Cinematheque, Miklošičeva ulica, 28

Screening of the feature film 200 Meters ( 200) Palestine, Jordan, Qatar, Italy, Sweden, 2020, 96’, directed by Ameen Nayef, English subtitles.
The film highlights how the more than 55 year ongoing Israeli military presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territories has created paradoxic and absurd everyday situations which shatter any chance of a normal life. The screening will be followed by a discussion with the Palestinian director of photography, Ashraf Dowani who worked on the shooting of the film. In conversation with Igor Prassel from the Slovene Cinematheque and Nada Pretnar from the Campaign for the Rights of the Palestinian People. The event is in English.

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