Take action against Israel

Dear Ambassador,

In the eight months of the genocide in Gaza, Israel has killed more than 36 000 people, 70% of them are women and children. Almost the entire infrastructure has been destroyed, hospitals have been completely demolished. As a result of the Israeli blockade of humanitarian aid, people, especially children, are dying of hunger and easily curable diseases. Israel is shooting at starving people waiting for food, driving tanks over wounded people, burning people alive. The destruction and suffering is unthinkable.

The International Court of Justice in The Hague ruled already at the end of January that there is a serious possibility that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. Recently, the same court ruled that Israel must stop its attacks on Rafah. Israel has ignored the court’s decisions – on the contrary, it has increased its attacks in the meantime.

It is imperative that the international community fulfills its duties and does everything possible to uphold the rule of international law and ensure that the decision of the International Court of Justice is respected. This is the task of all the Member States of the United Nations,

The UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, Francesca Albanese, has called on the international community to impose sanctions, embargo and a cessation of diplomatic relations.

I urge you to follow these calls and call upon your government to:

impose economic sanctions against Israel and advocate for the suspension of the EU-Israel Economic and Trade Association Agreement at the EU level

impose military embargo on both the export, import and transit of arms and military equipment to and from Israel and propose that such a military embargo be adopted at EU level for all Member States.

the suspension of diplomatic relations between your country and Israel

Hundreds of people are dying every day that we delay taking concrete action against Israel. The responsibility is yours too.

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